This is just a little space for me to let friends know what I am up to-- easier than emailing everybody all the time from the internet cafe! This site does not allow "oldest entries first" formatting, so I had to give fake dates to the entries so that it can be read chrnonologically, but that makes the archives in reverse order--when the archive says "June," it is really "May," and vice-verse. Go figure. You can click the pics to get full-size images.

The oldsters have it down in Beijing

Wow! I spent the morning at the totally beautiful downtown park of Beihai, and the place was jumping! Literally-- thousands of people strolling, doing taichi, acrobatics, full drum sets and bands, playing bandmitton, calesthenics, singing, and more. Everybody was having a grand time, I must say. If you ever get over here, in addition to the must-see temples and blah-blah, this is what the folks actually do and totally worth hanging around in the midst of.

At night too, tons of people biking around the sights (all lit up for the evening), eating from stalls, young 'uns doing what they do the world 'round, and basically just taking it easy.

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