This is just a little space for me to let friends know what I am up to-- easier than emailing everybody all the time from the internet cafe! This site does not allow "oldest entries first" formatting, so I had to give fake dates to the entries so that it can be read chrnonologically, but that makes the archives in reverse order--when the archive says "June," it is really "May," and vice-verse. Go figure. You can click the pics to get full-size images.

A new travel scheme: couch surfing

I forgot to mention this new kid's way to travel. . . we all know sofa-surfing-- you or your friends, out of work or kicked out of the house, crashing around at various friend's houses until you get someplace to live again (I believe my daughter is now becoming a pro at this). Well, the 19-year-old Tazzie that was part of our drinking crew the other evening taught me about "couch-surfing." Apparantly akin to the social networking of MySpace and Facebook, you can put your profile up on the web and just travel the world crashing at different places with folks who are just congenial and open their houses up for free. She saved a few years of working money, postponed "uni" (university) until she knows what she wants to do, bought a one-way ticket to Paris with a stopover in Beijing. She was completely thrilled and in awe ("I can't believe I am in China, just a girl from nowhere and here I am . . . I can't believe I am in China. . . I can't believe. . .) and not sure if she will ever go home. Figures that before long she will need to work somewhere, but in the meantime is meeting a buddy in Paris and couch-surfing the world.

Well, maybe once upon a time. At the moment I am liking my five-star hotel at three-star prices. . ..

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